Happiness 360°
Happiness 360°

Welcome to Happiness 360°

Sparking Happiness For All

About Happiness 360°

Since 2015 leading school districts across the country have utilized the principles and tactics from Shawn Achor’s best-selling books The Happiness Advantage and The Orange Frog to bring positive psychology research to life in education.

The Happiness Advantage | Orange Frog Workshop has become the largest and most successful professional development workshop to date in the world, and the only evidenced-based program which started in the classroom at Harvard.

To address the critical need for social and emotional learning and greater levels of well-being at all levels, we’ve developed a systemic solution providing:

  • for teachers - a dynamic and ever-expanding set of Happiness 360° resources including lesson plans, exercises, videos and other learning tools.
  • for students - age appropriate SEL and heathy interactions to enhance learning and overall well-being.
  • for parents and adults - consistent social and emotional learning to reinforcing student learning and healthy families.

Welcome to Happiness 360°!

A place where happiness brings people together

To request a Happiness 360° demo, click here.